Idag var det hundra år sedan Romanov familjen avrättade av de bolsjevikiska odjuren i Jekateringburg. Inte ett ord i någon av de etablerade medierna. Det här tycker jag demonstrerar det faktum att det är samma krafter som styr samhällsutvecklingen då som nu. Samma fulhet, samma krummhet, samma ondska, samma lögn.

Maria Nikolajevna Romanova

Anastasia Nikolajevna Romanova

Aleksej Nikolajevitj (13 år gammal)

Olga Nikolajevna Romanova

Tatjana Nikolajevna Romanova
Engelsk översättning av Egida Aureas Lo Zar Non è Morto:
If caliginous and sordid lies the shadows above the Urals
may your soul be stronger than the cries and the gunfire
may your soul be stronger than tomorrow's hordes
It's already consummated with brutality
The turbid misdeed, impious burden
of those who wanted to incite
The furious incending of The Last Era
If proud, imperious and immobile, the father watches over his children
the unmindful horde won't be able to rip his sweet lilies from him
the fanatics' unmindful folly won't be able to take them away from him
Upon the snow that lies, upon the snow itself
Much more snow shall be laid
Till the day when the shadow will run
From the unison call of the memory
Tear the darkness apart from the ever gloomier night
Arm yourself with your will. The waiting lasted for too long!
Tear the darkness apart from the ever gloomier night
Arm yourself with your will. The waiting lasted for too long!
Tear the darkness apart from the ever gloomier night
Arm yourself with your will. The waiting lasted for too long!
The soul cries from the plains' long winter
Step up and go, the dawn will consecrate you! The soul cries from the plains' long winter
Step up and go, the dawn will consecrate you!
To give us the strenght, the heroes have fallen
and to give them a voice we will not fall
In a world which seems to collapse
Those who stand up can't take a single step back
and in the last white charge
one will see the shadow of the Tsar soaring!